Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP)
CLUP is a technical document embodying specific proposals and strategies for guiding, regulating growth and/or development that is implemented through the Zoning Ordinance. The main components of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan in this usage are the land use plan and sectoral studies including Demography, Ecosystems Analysis (Terrestrial and Coastal),and Special Area Studies such as Climate Change Adaptation, Disaster Risk Reduction and Management, Ancestral Domain, Biodiversity, Heritage Conservation and Green Urbanism
Comprehensive Development Plan
The Comprehensive Development Plan is a medium-term sectoral plan of the local government. Covering six years, the CDP outlines “how” the local government will develop the land allocated for different uses through priority programs, projects and activities.
Local Development Investment Program
The Local Development Investment Program (LDIP) is a program to allocate the investible portion of the annual general fund budget for funding the development programs, projects, and activities identified in the Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP).
Executive-Legislative Agenda
The ELA is a unifying document corresponding to the term of local elective officials that is developed and mutually agreed upon by both executive and legislative departments of the local government.
Annual Investment Program
Annual Investment Program (AIP) refers to the annual slice of the Local Development Investment Program (LDIP), which constitutes the total resource requirements for all Programs, Projects and Activities (PPAs) consisting of the annual capital expenditure and regular operating requirements of the LGU.